Custom Draperbilt Lowboy
53' Lowboy trailer with 3' pull-out rear extensions and 42" front flippers to increase load capacity. Trailers are standard equipped with Double Coin RT500 255/70R22.5 tires on steel inner and polished aluminum outer wheels.

Equipment Trailer
First Generation Draperbilt equipment trailer has completed engineering and is moving to production soon! with a 20 ton capacity, 20' flat deck (26' total deck space) and 12 patented Roto Ring D rings for optimal tie down its a great choice to haul all your toys.

Draperbilt Rebuilt Trailer
If you already own a trailer and dont want to buy a new one; no problem. We can rebuild it and make improvements, stretch the belly, longer extensions, new flippers ect. Just call us and ask for Jeff to schedule a consultation.